wUt is imPOSSIBLE??

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Shivering in moscow's summer

17C! - Cloudy (Might Rain in the afternoon)

We have 2 friends from Volgograd came visit Moscow - Joshua a.k.a Uncle Eu and his beloved wife Jean. This is the 2nd day since they came staying in our hostel. After having our breakfast, we began our Moscow tour (travel agent - S.M.S= suresh+meisiu+suetyin).

The first tourist spot will be at Kropokinskaya metro. The biggest orthodox church building in Moscow. If you have never been there, please do make your trip there as soon as possible, because it's really a very nice place. The architecture of the building is awesome, I wonder how the people would have thought of building it that way. I have a conclusion after visiting Moscow for a month - Moscow has very good maintaining system for their parks.

King Nicholas the II was the one who decided to rebuild this church. There are a big gallery at the underground level of the building, it's really interesting looking back what the people have actually done in the past decades. The history of Russia!

There is a huge bridge at the side entrance of the building. The most interesting of all about the bridge is there are locks hooking at the handle of the bridge. It might not mean too much to somebody, but I do think it's a nice symbol of love. However, beware lovers - please do remember to paint your lock before putting it up. If not it'll be rusty just like the one below. :P

After Kropokinskaya, I was quite tired. So we went to Okho Niryad metro station for lunch. Then, we headed to Tret'yakovskaya Gallery. It's really a great art gallery. We are lucky enough to have met a group of tourist from the States. They have their own private tour guide, explaining them the arts and history of Russia. Acting like one of them, I actually walked through the whole gallery together with them, but still, I just able to admire around 60% of all. It took me a long day for it.

It's not an end for that day yet. We, then, went for dinner at the "Sparrow Slope". Picnic is the dinner for the day. So, we went Ramstor supermarket to grab some drinks and bread, then, we bought a grilled chicken for our picnic too!

All in all, it's a tired day! So, we called the day off!

What a blessed day to enjoy traveling around Moscow! =)

Sunday, July 27, 2008

меня зовут Галина...

It's pretty cold this morning, I was shivering though I was wearing a long-sleeved jacket. As usual, I jogged at the beginning of the path and started to walk after going down the stairs. It sounds pretty lazy right?

I enjoy walking through the trees, listening to the sound made by the crickets and being bitten by unknown bugs (by the way, sometimes I killed some of them accidentally). I just simply love nature.

After studying here for 3 years, now only I know that the park is so nice and soothening. It's a good place to release stress. There are babushki and dedushki (grandpas and grandmas) walking with their beloved doggies or jogging (may be I can say they look more like running). You can barely imagine the speed of the old people in moscow. They, for sure, are much more healthier than our grandpas and grandmas back in our country.

As I reached the turning point, where I am about to return, I met a dedushka sitting by the side, holding a book, laying his hands on his tummy, wearing 2 specticles (far-sighted and short-sighted). He looked up as I passed by and I simply say "Good morning!"

He waved his hand inviting me to sit down. Feeling a bit tire, I sat by his side and we started to talk. As usual, the first question will be, " What is your name?"

"Yin!" I said. (Though I know is pretty hard for them to pronounce it, that is the shortest way people can call me)

"Giin?" He asked. "No, is Yin." (It's really difficult!)

"Y-I-N, Yin!"

"Ok! My name is Gorin"

"By the way, I think is better for me to give you a russian name. Giin = Galina. Let it be Galina" He said.

"Oook!" I smiled.

"Why are you always smiling?" He asked. "I beg your pardon?" (By the way, we were conversing in russian and my russian is not that good)

He turned his face to another side for one second and turned back to me with a smiling face like Sticth, and said "tak" with his hand pointing to his own face.

I can't stop laughing, he looked so funny.

We chatted for awhile, he was trying to correct russian sentences. At last, we ended our conversation with my sentence of "mne nado iti" (I got to go)

So... My new name is Galina! Another great morning by God grace!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

my past...

Browsing through my mail box as i have thousands of mails pilling up, I came to this email that really triggers my feeling. It was a mail sent by one of my late beloved friend - I used to called him Datuk (grandpa), simply because he treated me like his grand daughter and he used to call me god cucu (grandchild) also. In June 2006, I met him in a physiotherapy center, which I went to help out as I want to spend my holiday better. He was a frequent patient for the center as he had a constant back pain due to his age. I still remember the time I set him on the machines and also giving him lumbar traction. He always wanted me to stay beside him and have some talks. There is a thing that I will never forget that he taught me this:

" What is the name of FUNNY NERVE?" - ulnar nerve

It's all because it is located at the place that is not really protected by any muscles and if you got hit on that nerve, you will really feel the pain.

The first time I went into an operation room and gave intravenous injection was the time that he brought me to his working place. Yes! He was still working though he was more than 70 years old. I can say, he is a dedicated old doctor. He taught me on some clinical practices which were actually too early for me to learn at that time. However, I tried to remember them well. As I look back, he really painted many colors in my life paper. I regretted that I didn't thought of taking a photo with him. I can barely remember his face now, I wonder what will it be a few years later. Anyhow, I am sure I have had this grandpa before and he will be always in my memory!

I think I have never told you this, grandpa:
"You actually brought joy into my life at that time, and also taught me a lot. I really like having you around and I really love you as my grandpa! I know I will meet you later, in heaven! Love in Christ!"